Snacks, Cakes and Noodles


We are young South African market investors who opened a new factory to make snacks in 2014. We provide the highest quality snacks at extraordinary prices that reflect true market worth.

We hope to leave a lasting impression on the South African market by offering a premium product at a competitive price.

In order to maintain our business expansion at a steady and lucrative rate, we want to make sure that our customers are happy and develop solid relationships with suppliers and distributors.

Our Nature

Teenagers and kids in the neighborhood are the target market for the snack Yummy Snacks has decided to develop.

The project features a manufacturing facility for maize snacks in Johannesburg. The facility competes with a few established brands in the local market by creating premium-quality maize snacks.

For the majority of its operations, the unit makes use of contemporary, automated gear, which ensures quality inspections through the manufacturing process. The processed treats are then placed in bags.

What we offer?

We provide deliciously, Yummy Cakes, Tatama Noodles, and a variety of flavoured maize naks in 20g packets that come in bails of 50 packs.

The manufacturer will receive the raw materials and transfer them there for processing. In order to ensure that our clients receive their products ready to sell with the least amount of work on their part, the finished product will be transported from the factory to them already packed.

Who do we sell to?

How can we convince a prospective buyer to purchase our goods?

Potential clients and business opportunities are examined in our market analysis. Yummy Snacks conducted a marketing analysis and researched the market segments’ demands. First, the need for this endeavor was assessed. Does the neighborhood require a snack manufacturer? Yes, without a doubt, was the response. After identifying the need, Yummy Snacks had to determine who and how many of its customers made up that group. Who is the prospective client? Who are the potential customers? The next step was to figure out how to convert them into Yummy Snacks customers once it was established that there was a need and who the client was.